Happy New Year friends! We made it to 2021. But listen, shit is still the same. Don’t think that cause the calendar turned one page that everything is all well in the world; cause it ain’t. BUT we did make it through a year that most of us were frightened of, and that deserves a celebration and a toast.
So pour yourself a little sip of something and cheers with me on this first Monday of 2021. *takes a sip*
How did you spend your NYE?
We watched Andy & Anderson get #sloshed on CNN from the comfort of our bed; champagne in hand. They are a dynamic duo when it comes to NYE; truly undefeated. Y’all know Twitter ate this UP!
Anderson is me when I take shots!
“Again, it’s like an aci..it’s what an acid trip would look like”...oops, looks like Anderson just told on himself.
When Andy played “Did you ever get high at..” with Snoop!
Ok, one more… lol. When Don Lemon said, “I feel like Big Daddy…”
Did you eat your black-eyed peas and collard greens for New Years Day?
We didn’t.
I’ve never been a fan of black-eyed peas. My mom used to make me eat them growing up on new year’s day and I vowed once I got out of her house I would never eat them ever again; so I haven’t.
My husband made whipped mashed potatoes, Brussels sprouts, and roasted lamb with a mint dressing. *cues mouth water*. It was delicious. The mint dressing set it OFF. Even if you are not a lamb fan, this drizzle can be used with other proteins, and it’s easy to make.
Bookmark it → https://cooking.nytimes.com/recipes/12099-mint-dressing
Alright, let’s get into today’s topics!
What are you leaving in 2020?
2020 reads
Virtual Vision Board
What are you leaving in 2020?
At the start of every year, people really get into new years resolutions. Things they want to accomplish somewhere in the next 365 days. Most of these things never get even touched, let alone accomplished.
But do we make a list of things we are not going to do in the new year? A list of habits you don’t intend to repeat? I’ve never done this, and I am starting this year. And like my goals list, I am choosing things that are obtainable.
Here is what I am leaving behind in 2020.
Unproductive multi-tasking. This sounds easier than said, but last year I focused on staying focused. I have a timer set on my computer that allows me to work uninterrupted for a set amount of time. It blocks apps on my computer so I won’t be tempted to click away and get lost in the internet-sphere. It’s the Pomodoro Method, work for 20-25 minutes, and take a 5-minute break. Repeat!
New ideas. For a creative person, this sounds crazy, but I have to. I cannot move forward with any new ideas this year; my list is already long enough. But there is a caveat. No new ideas that do not align with my existing brand(s). I have three focus areas—BlackWifeLife®, Monday Lunch, and writing. If new ideas do not align within these three areas, I am writing them down and storing them for another year. In order to focus, I need to declutter my brain.
Doing everything myself. At the end of last year, I hired a virtual assistant to build BlackWifeLife’s email list and handle @BlackWifeLife’s Twitter page. Lifesaver! I thought because I am the one with the big ideas + vision, I had to do everything on my own. Wrong! This year I will be giving my VA more to do, and I am ready to take more off my plate.
So, what are you leaving in 2020? Reply or comment. I would love to help keep you accountable.
Since we are on the topic of moving away from certain things, I am actually moving away from my personal Instagram. I would never give up my success and joy of curating @BlackWifeLife. But I realized that I enjoy spending time on BWL IG profile than my own personal profile. I feel much more purposeful when I am actually focusing on something that 1) brings me joy and 2) makes me coin! I need to be “where the money resides.” If you don’t know where that phrase comes from, you late boo.
Somewhere on this journey, I got the idea that because I was running a popular account that I had to become popular right along with it. Wrong.
If you are friends with me on @gemsbyjemia, I’m out of the office for the foreseeable future. I am still active on social media, just spending time in places that I want to be. You will always find me on Twitter, @BlackWifeLife, and right here, having Monday Lunch with you.
I wrote an article about this experience⏤I tried to be an influencer on Instagram — Here’s why I hated it.
2020 Reads
Well, really, 2020 listens. I started listening to audiobooks this year. I used to think, “when will I have time to listen to a book for 8-10 hours?” Especially when 1) I am not traveling or driving and 2) when I have many other things to do.
I was wrong. I found the time, and I fell in love with it. Listening to books brought the story to life times ten. Hearing the narrator, and sometimes author, express the emotions and feelings of the characters is like watching TV. Plus it makes things like, doing dishes, peeling shrimp, folding laundry, cleaning the bathroom and bubble baths much more enjoyable.
Here is what I listened to in 2020:
Well-Read Black Girl. A great essay book highlighting some of the great Black women authors across all genres.
Queenie. A story about a Black British 20-something struggling with being alone and battling her addiction to sex amongst other traumas. My favorite narration of 2020!
Open Book. Yes, I listened to the Jessica Simpson memoir. I actually was a huge J.Simpson fan in the early 2000s, and her shoes were my absolute favorite. I was curious about her high profiled divorce, battle with weight, and how she started working in fashion.
The Wife. A wild and crazy story about a wife trying to defend her famous husband after his college intern made an accusation against him. So many twists and turns in this one.
The Last Mrs. Parrish. This one here. It’s about a woman who had two husbands mysteriously die and she gets a third one. The third husband’s ex-wife thinks she is going to kill him and tries to break them up. And the sharp left turn this book makes. My goodness!
Pretty Things. A tale about two con artists that use Instagram to scam and rob the wealthy. It begins one way, and it ends like you wouldn’t believe.
I read one physical book, in 3 days, while on our 1st anniversary trip in Hilton Head Island. James Patterson & Peter De Jonge’s Beach Road. A whodunnit tale of a high-profile killing in a small town on Long Island. Why are so many murder mysteries set on Long Island?!
At the end of the year, I started listening to The Meaning of Mariah Carey, and I love it! I’ve always been a fan of Mariah, especially as a young girl. Her battle with her racial identity was something I related to. Granted her mother is white and father is Black, and my parents were both Black, I still had to defend my lightness and curly hair to most.
What are some of your favorite reads from last year? Or what is on your reading list for this year? Reply or leave me a comment! I would love to get some recommendations.
Virtual Vision Board
Writing yearly goals is second nature to me. But vision boarding is something that I picked up over the past 5 years.
I saw a Tweet from @JeiMonroe and it was these beautiful digitized vision boards that she created. And being the creative she is, she was selling her templates for only $2.99! So I hopped on it, and this is my vision board for this year.
This is so beautiful that I made it my screen saver on my brand new iMac desktop my hot Santa-Husband got me for Christmas. I was a good girl this year. *wink*
Here is my Twitter thread, which breaks down my vision for 2021.
It’s been great spending the first Monday of 2021 with you. I wish you health, prosperity, and nothing but happiness this year. I can’t wait to have lunch with you again on MLK Day. How about you bring a friend with you next time? Don’t forget to share + subscribe.